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Purple Diamond Often confused with a secondary color violet, purple is a dominant and rare hue in nature and color diamonds. As purple color is correlated to internal grain formation, the cut is exceedingly important to color release. So rare are these pure purples, there has yet to be revealed a large, historically important pure purple diamond.
Red Diamond Red Diamonds are the rarest of the fancy color diamonds. In fact, they are so rare in nature that most jewelers and diamond dealers have never even seen a natural red diamond. The world's largest red diamond is known as the Red Shield, and weighs "only" 5.11 carats, compared with over 600 carats for the largest diamond of any kind.
Green Diamond Pure green diamonds are very rare since their natural green color comes from exposure to irradiated particles over eons of time. With perhaps only one new green being introduced to the market each year pure green stones are more highly valued than the yellowish green or green-yellows.
Blue Diamond The colors of earliest creations of sea and sky are nature's rare reflection in natural blue diamonds. The embodiment of soothing gentleness and tranquility, they are natural cool excellence in wondrous expression. The Cullinan mine near Pretoria is the world’s only notable blue diamond producing mine. The mine also produced the largest diamond of the De Beers Millennium Jewels collection—the brilliant vivid blue Heart of Eternity, 27 carats.
Pink Diamond Origin Pink diamonds have only been found in a few mines across the world. The Rich Golconda river in India, Brazil and Tanzania all produced notable diamonds in the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, the Argyle mine in north-western Australia is famous for the number of pinks it produces, and especially for generating the hugely coveted fullbodied hot pink diamonds.
Yellow Diamonds Origin Light to vivid yellow diamonds are found in different countries, but the notably large and intense yellows have been discovered primarily in South Africa. These include the largest known canary diamond, the Red Cross, which was once presented to Christies on behalf of the British Red Cross Society. A rare feature of this stone is that a Maltese Cross is clearly visible in its top facet. Another famous yellow diamond discovered in South Africa is the Allnatt, a 100-carat fancy vivid canary yellow.
Orange Diamond It is so rare that an orange diamond receive a color grading of pure orange, that many collectors have never seen one. More common, yet hardly abundant, are orange diamonds with a color modifier such as brown or yellow. Prized for their beauty and rarity, orange diamonds are one of the most sought after colors by prominent collectors.
Brown Diamond Brown diamonds in shades from champagne to cognac are found in Australia, Africa and Siberia. The Argyle Diamond Mine in Western Australia is the world's largest producer of these stones. At Argyle, brown diamonds are mined with anticipation and excitement. From the subtly elegant champagnes to the smooth, rich cognacs, brown diamonds are the new classic.
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